Delivering bottom line results through great design

Here is the scenario:

An advertiser agrees to take out an advert (either online or offline) at a cost of several hundred pounds. Having spent this money, and not wanting to spend any more, they decide to put together their own advert in a software application they have access to.
They spend many hours creating their advert and finally submitting it to the publisher.

The likely result of this?

1] The artwork will not be in the correct format for the publisher and will get rejected.
2] The artwork will not be in the correct format for the publisher, who will publish it anyway, regardless of how it looks.
3] The advert will not have an impact. It may read like ‘War and Peace’, lack an appropriate structure, have no call to action, ignore brand values, not relate to any marketing or communications plan, have no colour management, and will not have any clear call to action or method of monitoring the result.

The question I often ask myself is why do organisations and business spend sizeable sums of money on advertising space, but are reluctant to invest in marketing or design services to ensure the advert achieves tangible results? Especially when the spend on this is often significantly less than the spend on buying the space in the first place.

Is is similar to buying your favourite car, then not driving it because you don’t want to spend money on the petrol!

If you are not sure of the tangible results of professional design services, take a look at this video about the benefits of great design.

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